No hay lugar. Me pregunto si le molestaría compartir la mesa.
Hace calor hoy.
Pero está lindo aquí afuera.
Un tostado y una Coca, lait, gracias.
Sin ofender, cómo hace para comer fideos con tuco con este calor.
Usted no parece ser de aquí.
Yo tampoco hablo español, hablo argentino, ja ja.
De Suecia, caramba que está lejos.
Eh, Sueden far auei, ies.
Priti guirls in Sueden, and iu ar not de exception.
Zanc iu.
Ah, claro, iur uelcom, jaja. Uats ior naim.
Ingri...qué, uat.
Ah, Ingeborg, priti naim for a priti wuman. Ar iu duin turist.
Du iu laic La Boca.
Smell bad, uat is smell.
Ah, olor, mal olor, sí, qué va a ser, bat is priti eniuei. Uat did iu laic moust.
Ies, puerto Madero is priti. Du iu laic tango, jier in La Boca iul fain very mach tango. Jaf iu sin tango iet.
Meibi tunait wi can go to si sam tango. Iu and mi, wat du iu zinc to jaf some tango wiz mi.
Wat du iu jaf to zinc. Der is onli uan laif. Camón, Ingeborg, ail shou iu. Wi uil jaf fun tugueder. Den we can go dancin, yeah, to shaic de squéleto ol nai long.
Que aim Fani, no mai naim is Carlos, laic Carlos Gardel. Charles. Charly if iu laic. I can bi Charly for iu, tunait.
Guiv mi iur namber and ail pic iu up at ior jotel. At nain ocloc wuld bi olrait. Plis rait jier ior namber and jotel naim and strit.
Ah, ies, adres, not strit.
Iu ar very priti, Ingeborg.
Ai tol iu mai naim is not Fani, Charly, rimember.
Ingeborg, iu have tuco ol arraun ior maus, let me clin iu.
Nais quis.
Ies, wiz tuco flaivor.
Mozo, la cuenta, sólo la mía.
Oquei baibi, si iu tunait den. Uan more quis.
Ies, wiz tuco flaivor.
Ingeborg, uan zing, qué símilar is suedish to inglish, isent it.
Bai bai, biutiful, si iu tunait.
Aim a laion, aim a laion, gracias, Cultural Inglesa.
8 comentarios:
Hi, Mr. Winner
I was wandering if you met my babybrother. He likes to dress like a woman and enjoys messing up with people arround the world. Hes female name is Ingeborg, but don't fool yourself, friends of him call him "the brochettator". I never understood why. Anyway, if you manage to survive one of his sodomite nights, please let me know in order to cage him again and provide some electric therapy.
William Bighead
Diar William, wiz rison, wiz rison!
shi jad samzin der janging, bat in de darc ai zot it uas onli a very big pusi.
Neverdeles, Ingeborg left mi wiz mai as bernin.
Du iu jaf sam pomadeitor to relif pein?
Mr Bigjed,
caballú? De güiner guos sodomizeited bai iur brader. Ai rimenber jim laic an anixperted iang güeil, güen ji apliqued masita tu Phillip, Jacques Cousteau's son.
Jei, güiner, dont güorri an put pancután güel in yur asjoul, an bi japi!!!
oh ies! i rimember uel phillip cousteau, bifor maiquing jimself shit wiz de chopter.
pur phillip, je uas a gud gai.
ol seilors meta bombing jim, je uas a gud guei, an abnegueited uan.
jis feivorit disgais uas dressing jimself as a mermeid.
ai rili miss jim...
Mr. Winner
I am so glad to know you are still alive. I am very sorry about your burning ass. I hope it will heal soon. I suggest to spread some honey on it and make it thoroughly lick by a dog, At least, so my grandmother told a guy under similar circumstances a few decades ago. By the way, can you provide some contact data about Ingeborg? I am afraid he will manage to keep digging assholes of other innocent winners.
In fact, Ingeborg was on the same hydroplane with Philippe Cousteau the day of the fatal crash. Forensics could not determine the way his hole became 5 inches diameter. Philippe´s death was reported as: Ahogado por el ano. Of course you know better than me how it happened.
Best Regards,
William Bighead
no, ai dont nou jau rili japened phillips ded.
ai was banguing cousteaus (sinior) uaife uen chopter fel daun.
a piti, a rial piti...
Mr. Winner
Of course I understand. No one wants to remember such an experience…
Just wanted to remind you about Ingeborg´s contact data.
Your loving brother in law.
William Bighead
nozing of broder in lo. wi divorced de dei after!
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